
Logical structure of e-invoices published

The e-invoice logical structure is now available on the Central Repository of Electronic Document patterns on the ePUAP platform. This covers the following changes:

  • descriptions of member country codes and currency codes
  • the definition of the TAdres element, including adding a new TGLN type
  • adding the TZnakowy20 element
  • TNumerKSeF element definition
  • the definition of selected character elements to the integer type
  • entering the maximum number of occurrences of some elements, eg Transport, Shipment by update of descriptions of some elements, eg P_15, P_18A adding new grouping elements, e.g. Partial Payments, PlanDates, Agreements, Orders.

These are applicable from 1 January 2022. Note that the use of e-invoicing in Poland will remain voluntary until 01/01/2023.

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