Reduced VAT rate for electricity
Last month we communicated that Belgium had taken some VAT-related measures as a direct result of the pandemic.
Belgium has also introduced further VAT reforms – from 1 March 2022 to 1 July 2022, the VAT rate for electricity will be reduced from 21% to 6%.
Browse Belgium updates
VAT rate consolidation delay
- VAT/G(S)ST rate information
Electronic invoicing in public procurement – changes
- Mandate information
VAT reduction for energy
- VAT/G(S)ST rate information
Overhaul of VAT process
- Country updates
Wider tax reforms including proposed B2B e-invoicing and e-reporting
- Mandate information
Abolishment of certain Covid VAT measures
- VAT/G(S)ST rate information
Extension of application of reverse charge
- Country updates
Budget tax proposals
- VAT/G(S)ST rate information
Upcoming new format for VAT number
- Country updates
Reduced VAT rate extension for electric, gas and heating supplies
- VAT/G(S)ST rate information
Covid-related VAT reductions
- VAT/G(S)ST rate information
Update on B2B e-invoicing
- Mandate information
Potential VAT reduction on fruits and greens
- VAT/G(S)ST rate information
Potential 22% rate
- VAT/G(S)ST rate information
Joint incentive to reduce the VAT gap
- Mandate information
Mandatory B2G e-invoicing
- Mandate information
Scope of B2G e-invoicing expanded
- Mandate information