Sopra Steria provides its suppliers greater visibility of invoice and payment status with Tungsten Network

The Sopra Steria organisation is made up from the following companies: Sopra Steria Limited, Shared Services Connected Limited (SSCL), NHS Shared Business Services (NHS SBS), cxpartners, Sora Steria Financial Services Limited and Celescan.

Sopra Steria Entities on Tungsten Network

Tungsten Account Number Company codes Country Entity
AAA741317309 6244 Great Britain Sopra Steria Limited
AAA566600987 6267 Great Britain Sopra Steria NHS SBS Ltd
AAA663382240 10194 Great Britain Shared Services Connected Ltd
AAA630189983 16206 Great Britain Sopra Steria Financial Services Limited
AAA154865000 16426 Great Britain CeleScan Ltd

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